April 28 - 30, 2025
Chicago Marriott Downtown
This 48-minute video explores the transformative impact of AI on B2B digital experiences. Our panelists will share real-world examples on the limitations of DIY digital solutions, the benefits of AI-powered product discovery tools, AI's role in optimizing product content and data management, and its potential to enhance personalization and customer loyalty.
Discover how AI-powered Search is Transforming Fitment from the Search Bar!
Key Takeaways:
In this webinar, we’ll discuss the challenges, benefits, and opportunities of AI, especially generative AI, in both search and knowledge discovery—today, and looking into the future as existing capabilities in this area evolve. Our goal is to better understand the impact AI-driven search and knowledge discovery will have on organizations in terms of their people, experiences, workflows, and productive outcomes.
In this webinar, we’ll review the B2C site experience technologies that Amazon is using and discuss the implications for B2B commerce.
Key Takeaways:
Key Takeaways:
Hear how Honeywell obtained the best net promoter score and increased conversions this 2021! You'll walk away with insights into content and commerce and how seamlessly blending the two is imperative to digitally mature. Honeywell and Perficient provide real success stories over the last year in improving conversions as well as the challenges they faced, how they overcame them, what was learned, and ultimately how it led to their success.